California State PTA Logo

Information Alert
September 14, 2015

Dear PTA leaders and members:

California State PTA believes in maximum local control for education funding when it serves the best interests of our children and our schools.  That's why we support Senate Bill 799, and that's also why we delivered this statement to the Legislature on Thursday saying we will oppose any further amendments to this important bill, which would fix the reserve cap that prevents school districts from saving for a rainy day.

We know some of our members were talking to their legislators about this bill.  Please read the floor alert we sent below.  We understand that Senator Hill has made SB 799 a two-year measure and will continue working with stakeholder organizations during the 2016 Legislative Session.


SB 799 (Hill) – School District Reserves
Oppose Further Amendments

Dear Members of the Senate and Assembly:

This is to inform you that California State PTA continues to support the current version of SB 799 (Hill) as amended on August 20 as an acceptable compromise to regulate school district reserves. SB 799 is currently in the Assembly Rules Committee and may not reach the Assembly and Senate floors prior to the adjournment of session.

We understand that amendments to SB 799 are under discussion that would lessen the benefit to local communities and school districts to determine use of their education funds. We also understand that these amendments could appear in another legislative vehicle.

California State PTA would like to inform members of the Senate and Assembly that our organization representing more than 850,000 parents and families does not support further amendments or an alternative to SB 799.

California State PTA recommends either a vote on SB 799 in its current form (as amended August 20), or that the Senate and Assembly refrain from action until the 2016 Legislation Session and continue to work with all stakeholders and the Governor to find an acceptable compromise.

California State PTA continues to support the reform/repeal of the reserve cap on school district reserves. One of the guiding legislative principles of our organization is a belief in maximum local control when it serves the best interest of children and youth. A state mandated reserve cap is incongruent with our principles. In addition, our members have expressed concern about the impact the cap on reserves will have on the financial health of their local school districts during economic downturns.

For these reasons we urge each of you to continue to work on this important issue with all stakeholders in the coming legislative session.

If you should have any questions please contact Shayne Silva, Director of Legislation at (916) 440-1985, ext 311, or Sherry Skelly Griffith, Executive Director at (916) 955-1699 or

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