Student Records

Adopted November 1976 – Reviewed and deemed relevant August 2022 – Education Commission

Current federal and state law provides privacy protections for student records and further affords students, parents and guardians the right to obtain access to those records and exercise some control over the release and disclosure of information contained in those records.

California State PTA believes it is important for local school communities to become knowledgeable about student record laws and their proper application to ensure proper protection of student records. PTAs are encouraged to work to expand their knowledge and understanding about the laws that govern student records.

California State PTA encourages school districts to annually carry out the provisions of Education Code Section 49063, which requires:

  • Notification to students, parents and guardians of their rights regarding access and control over records;
  • Notification to students, parents and guardians of the types of records maintained by the school district; and
  • Notification to students, parents and guardians of the position of the school official responsible for student records.

California State PTA believes the timely transfer and receipt of student records is vital to the proper placement of transferring students; therefore, it is important that schools, both public and private, make every effort to immediately transfer student records upon request.

California State PTA believes that school personnel must provide the utmost care toward the protection of students and student records by exercising the following safeguards:

  • Ensure the confidentiality of all personal student data that is collected and provide for proper record maintenance which includes the destruction of records when their usefulness ceases; and
  • Require proper identification for any person requesting access to student records.

California State PTA encourages all public and private agencies that collect personal data on students to use the same standard of care in protecting student records as required by public schools.

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